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How To Set Pricing As A Freelancer

Apr 2022

4 mins read


How To Set Pricing As A Freelancer

As a freelancer, you must understand that setting pricing is key for getting maximum value for your clients’ services. You must ensure financial growth is included in your milestones because how can you become the best at what you do if there is no influx of cash to compensate for the hours you put into delivering?

This article will highlight some key things around your pricing, how to manage your tasks, and leveraging Dillali to keep track of your finances while you put in the hours! Let’s dive in.

How to set Pricing as a Freelancer:

It is key to put your experience forward

It is important because you taking this leap to freelance does not mean you are starting from scratch. When setting your rates, put into consideration your experience in the niche you are going into. Research your industry to find and identify with a community of like-minded freelancers this will help you figure out what group you fall into: Junior, Mid-level or senior. This will guide you on how to structure your pitch to clients so you do not come off as a complete newbie, but build trust that you have the right knowledge to execute.

Take into consideration the tools needed to deliver.

The tools you need to deliver are important to take into consideration, sit down outline the necessary cost of these tools, and average them across all clients if you do not want to end up working longer without decent pay.

If you are coming from a 9-5 job, compare against your salary at least

You do not want to go into freelancing and earn less than you were at your job. You could decide to add a certain percentage while having an overall pay for the year, then break that down to maybe bill per hour, or per milestone, or however, you wish to set your pricing.

Set a benchmark

If you do not belong to a community, research is important and you could set your pricing based on these strategies: Time-based pricing, Project-based pricing, and value-based pricing all of which come with their advantages and advantages you may want to look into strongly.

Once you begin to earn the big bucks or even from the little income, tracking and monitoring what comes in and goes out is very key to staying afloat financially. This boils down to record-keeping, there are key records you must keep as a freelancer and Dillali has just the right features to help you digitally manage all these records without any mix-ups.

In summary, while building your portfolio as a freelancer, it is key to leverage time management tools that help you deliver value to your clients and stay relevant in your industry. Identify these and incorporate them into your journey.

We hope these tips help you smooth sail, see you in the next article!